Tuesday, January 4, 2011


While brainstorming ideas for this blog, I have come up with several good ideas and what seems like a trillion bad ones. An ongoing goal of mine is to better myself (something I hopefully have in common with most people), and some of my ideas are conducive to that objective. Those are the ones I will focus on for the time being. (:

Every blog post will hopefully contain some sort of rant or rambling story, as that was the whole point of creating this. However, at the end of my tale of the day, it would be fun to track something. I have come up with several ideas specific to this, some of which are entertaining and others that have the potential of embarrassing me into breaking my poorer habits.
- film I watched
- song I listened to in my car
- photo I took

Amount of (so far in 2011):
- fast food meals
- glasses of milk
- bowls of Progresso chicken noodle soup
- teefury/threadless shirts purchased
- miles I ran

I'm still in the planning stages of coming up with my unique "thing" that I will have on this blog, clearly. What I have so far is generic and (I assume) unoriginal. This is all part of my typical process, where it takes a little time for the creative juices to flow. Hmmm... I'm thirsty.

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling.
    I get a bit sad when I look at my blog brainstorm.
    I'm learning I need to blog as soon as I get an idea, and not just let it sit in my mind.
